Visiting for the First Time?
Visiting Faith for the First Time
When does church start?
The worship service starts every Sunday morning at 10:30 AM, with Bible study before service at 9:45. You are advised to arrive several minutes early, but never be afraid to show up late; better late than never.

How do I get to the church?
If you are familiar with Radcliff, we are located 377 East Lincoln Trail Blvd, Radcliff, Kentucky, or if you are not familiar with Radcliff area you can find directions by using this link Directions to Faith Lutheran.

What should I do if I have questions about the church?
The best thing to do if you have questions or concerns about our church is to contact Pastor Martin. If you would rather do some research on your own, you can look through this page to see if your questions are answered. You can also read about our mission and beliefs, or visit the WELS website. The WELS website has plenty of articles and resources that should be able to answer any and all of your questions; a great page to start your quest for answers is the About WELS page.
Common Questions & Concerns
What do I wear?
You can dress either casually or nicely; the members at Faith Lutheran dress in what they are comfortable wearing in a church environment.

Where do I sit?
You sit wherever you want to. There are no assigned seats, and there is plenty of room in both the front and back of the church. Sit with someone else if you would like, so they can help guide you through the service should you need assistance.

What do I bring?
You bring nothing! Everything is already supplied for guests and members alike; just desire to hear God's word and grow in your faith.

Is an offering gathered during the service?
The members are encouraged to support the Lord's work in this church and our mission churches all over the world out of their love for Christ. Visitors are not required or asked to give an offering, although you may give an offering if you so desire. You can also sign the guest register that is passed during the offering.

What do I need to participate in the worship service?
At the front door you will be handed a bulletin, which contains the whole order of service that will be used that day. You will also find announcements, a schedule for the upcoming week, and Bible Study and devotional opportunities. In the chair you can find a red hymnal, which contains the hymns that are sung by the congregation (these are found in the middle and back, with the page numbers in large print at the top corners). The hymns that will be sung that day are printed in the bulletin and posted on a board at the front of the church for easy reference.

Is Holy Communion offered during the service?
Holy Communion is offered for repentant members of Faith Lutheran church or of the Wisconsin Evangelical Lutheran Synod (WELS) on the 1st and 3rd Sundays of every month. Guests are asked to speak first with the Pastor prior to the worship service if they wish to partake in Holy Communion. The ushers will direct you during Holy Communion.

What follows the worship service on Sunday mornings?
After the service a time of fellowship is offered to everyone. Guests are encouraged to remain for snacks (usually cookies and coffee) and a chance to meet members and the Pastor at this time. Adult Bible Study and Sunday School begin at 11:30 AM.

The word of the Lord stands forever. ~ 1 Peter 1:25